Looks like I've started writing again. It'll probably get edited over the next few days.
Yet again I'm on leave of absence
Too tired to stay and play
And as my weariness unfurls
I'm scared to face another's face
And so I sit to dip below my consciousness
Yearning for her...
She who once led, who I once sought,
Who is now out of reach
Just past my fingertips
She teases me with song in sleep
In which we soar and laugh and fall
I feel her breath upon my face
But when I wake she's gone again,
It would seem, to taunt him...
He who manoeuvres deep within
Speaks frowns and almost words.
He understands yet knows me not
But to his words I cling
As we both have particulars
We can not discuss...
So we sit in silence
Just the one of us
Happy New Year!
2 years ago