Sunday, 14 September 2008


Looks like I've started writing again. It'll probably get edited over the next few days.



Yet again I'm on leave of absence
Too tired to stay and play
And as my weariness unfurls
I'm scared to face another's face
And so I sit to dip below my consciousness
Yearning for her...

She who once led, who I once sought,
Who is now out of reach
Just past my fingertips
She teases me with song in sleep
In which we soar and laugh and fall
I feel her breath upon my face
But when I wake she's gone again,
It would seem, to taunt him...

He who manoeuvres deep within
Speaks frowns and almost words.
He understands yet knows me not
But to his words I cling
As we both have particulars
We can not discuss...

So we sit in silence
Just the one of us

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Sorry Chloe!

I've been a naughty girl... I stood Chloe up.

First of all I'd like to apologise to Chloe who I was meant to be making cake with today. Chloe, I'm sorry. The thing is I got carried away. I was searching online for facial cleansing recipes and found a few. So far so good. I then started looking through my old browser bookmarks and came across a recipe for making basic whipped body butter. I'd been meaning to make some for ages and just never got round to it.

So today I did. I did and it came out a lot nicer than I thought it would... have a look see.

I made it using coconut oil, olive oil and vanilla essence. It smells quite plain. Not too coconutty, not too olive-ey, doesn't even smell oily which is great. (Sorry about the picture quality. I'm currently using my phone to take pictures until I get a new digital camera... and the dip you can see in the cream was made by me checking to see whether the cream had set yet. Should have taken a picture first. Haha!) I accidentally spilt half of it on Mum and I put the rest in an old hair cream container. Perfect fit don't you think? Unfortunately, I don't have any more empty containers I can use. I'll probably make some more in a couple of weeks time when this one is empty and add some nice smelly stuff to it. I'm quite excited about using this! I'll let you know how it feels on my skin. :)

Apologies aside, I've had a good week. I started back at work after a week's annual leave. Started on a 10-week work experience placement. Did a bit more knitting, knotted a scarf for Steph as a birthday present and did a bit of baking with Chloe.

This week I'm planning to blog a little more, work a little more and bake some banana cupcakes (Yum!), sign up for an exercise class of some sort... and finally write my blog profile... LOL! I'm a tad ambitious I know.

I also need to start driving soon... everyone keeps reminding me about it, and everyone around me already drives, but that's another story. I'm off to eat. Mummy made pounded yam, okra and stew for dinner!!! Woohoo!

Finké :)